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Reading glass for the pocket

I don't need glasses all the time, but as I'm getting older I do find it harder read fine print. I like to carry reading glasses so that I don't get stuck when I'm out and about, but I don't want to always carry a bulky glasses case. I like to try and find reading glasses that are compact and can easily be carried in the pocket and are pretty hardy so they don't get too scratched up. This blog is all about affordable options for pocket reading glasses to keep you able to read all those tiny fonts and prints.


Reading glass for the pocket

Eye Care Do's and Dont's Post Cataract Surgery

by Peetu Huotari

Despite their typical association with the elderly, cataracts are a common eye condition that effect many people irrespective of age. Granted, ageing is a leading cause but other risk factors include hypertension, continually exposing your eyes to ultraviolet rays, and even diabetes. Fortunately, this condition can easily be remedied via cataract surgery. However, since your eyes will be highly sensitive for a few days post-surgery, it is crucial that you not only adhere to the aftercare instructions handed to you by your optometrist but that you also know how best eye care measures to take. To help you with that, here is a summary of eye care do's and don'ts post-cataract surgery that will help facilitate a smooth recovery.

Do administer your eye drops as prescribed

Once your cataract surgery is complete, the eye surgeon will likely prescribe eye drops that need to be administered at certain times of the day. Although these eye drops do offer relief from the initial discomfort that you will experience, it does not mean that you can go off them when you start feeling better. What some patients do not realise is that in addition to pain medication, the eye drops can contain antibiotics to help with minimising inflammation and mitigating the threat of infection. Taking them when you want to rather as when needed can put your recovery at serious risk.

Do sleep with a protective eye mask

Another aftercare instruction that you will receive from your eye surgeon is to avoid any rubbing of your eyes while you recover. Although this can be easy to stick to during the day, it can prove harder when you are asleep. Thus, as an extra protective measure, you should invest in eye masks specifically for this recovery period. Do not be tempted to use the sleeping masks you already own, as they could be riddled with microbes that will interfere with your healing post-cataract surgery. Instead, enquire from you doctor or local pharmacy about eye masks designed specifically for protection so that they not only help with safeguarding your eyes from accidental rubbing but they will also be sterile enough to keep bacteria and other pathogens on your pillows and linens away.

Don't engage in arduous activities

After cataract surgery, you need to take it easy. Not only should you refrain from driving yourself around, but you also should not operate any heavy machinery since your vision will be blurry for a few days. Nonetheless, what some patients take for granted is heavy lifting. Whether it is working out or picking up heavy loads, you will be straining your eye muscles unnecessarily, which can dislodge the implanted lens. Not to mention sweating can cause the perspiration that is chockful of bacteria and dirt particles drip into your eye.
