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Reading glass for the pocket

I don't need glasses all the time, but as I'm getting older I do find it harder read fine print. I like to carry reading glasses so that I don't get stuck when I'm out and about, but I don't want to always carry a bulky glasses case. I like to try and find reading glasses that are compact and can easily be carried in the pocket and are pretty hardy so they don't get too scratched up. This blog is all about affordable options for pocket reading glasses to keep you able to read all those tiny fonts and prints.


Reading glass for the pocket

Can You Wear Lenses Overnight to Improve Your Vision?

by Peetu Huotari

Over the decades, there have been many advances in the world of opticians. Contact lenses became a serious alternative to glasses, and these lenses became softer, longer-lasting and easier for the eye. While these corrective devices were still at least a little intrusive, they may have been a better option than surgery, although now a new solution has come along that may offer the best of all worlds to someone who is shortsighted. If you are in this position and are looking at your options, what do you need to know about ortho-K lens technology?

Nighttime Solution

Orthokeratology, or ortho-K, is a practice of fitting specially designed contact lenses that the patient will wear overnight. This is typically the opposite of traditional contact lenses, which are usually taken out during sleep and refitted in the morning. However, in this case, the gas permeable lenses work to slowly reshape the cornea, allowing the patient to see much more clearly the following day. The lenses are used to correct shortsightedness (and, in some cases, other conditions) and are now available from a number of different manufacturers.

Discussing Eligibility

To find out whether you are suitable for this procedure, you'll need to talk with your optometrist. They may advise ortho-K if your prescription is not too advanced, and the decision is always made on a case-by-case basis. Typically, those who have mild to moderate myopia or astigmatism may be good candidates, and the procedure may be especially good for children or young adults. Sometimes, people may be too young to be recommended for laser surgery or may have other eye conditions that may prohibit it.

Flexible Options

The solution is also attractive to those who find it difficult to wear contact lenses during the daytime for any number of reasons. Perhaps they take part in contact sports and may be afraid of losing those lenses on the sports pitch. In this case, it would be much better for them to try and reshape the cornea using special lenses overnight, so they can go through the entirety of the following day without any lenses at all.

Getting Started

To get the ball rolling, make an appointment with your optician. If they decide to go ahead, they will then use a special instrument to painlessly measure the curvature of the cornea before ordering the ortho-K lenses from the manufacturer. You may have to return to get adjustments made to the lenses in order to get the maximum correction effect over time.
